
How Does Dry Needling Work?

Trigger point dry needling is becoming an increasingly popular treatment method utilized by physical therapists to treat muscle pain. If you have been a patient at Outlast, you may have already encountered dry needling. As a PT that utilizes dry needling on a daily basis, I often get asked “how does this work?” My standard answer is usually a variation of “It creates a local twitch response in your muscle which helps relieve the tight tissue and improve blood flow to the area”. However, it is much more complex and really interesting. If you want a mini deep dive on dry needling, keep reading!

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3 Ways You Could Benefit From PT

As our society and healthcare system evolve, more and more people have made the mental shift to a proactive, preventative approach to their own health care as opposed to the old model of retro-active, “treat only what is broken” approach. Physical therapists are ideally suited to provide this type of preventative care. Read our blog to uncover 3 specific ways you could benefit from working with a physical therapist even if you do not have an injury or pain.

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